Very good copy, at very low prices, for very small businesses

...and every word crafted to get more clients and referrals for your service-based business

How I Can Help You Get More Clients

If you are a small service provider who wants more clients and referrals, I can help you get them – at a more affordable price than you might believe possible.

Together, we can upgrade your website copy to get more visitors scheduling appointments. We can set up regular newsletters to get existing clients booking more and referring more. We can create online content that builds trust and strengthens loyalty.

Small service providers deserve to thrive and grow. I can help you do that. Whether you’re a wellness provider, coach, consultant or physical service provider, the essentials of expanding your client base are the same: the right words, in the right places, at the right time, to get more people saying “yes” to working with you.​



Done-for-you newsletter content that keeps existing clients warm and encourages them to return soon - and refer new clients.

Copy Upgrades

Upgraded copy and key “client hook” pages that lead new visitors to explore your offerings and book with you today

Done-For-You Content
& Content Plans

Detailed plans for articles or blog posts that will turn visitors into first-time clients (and, I can also write the content for you).


My "No AI" Promise

After more than 15 years of writing copy professionally, I can tell you with confidence that effective copy, communication and conversion only happens when there’s a personal connection with what makes your business special and what the client truly needs to hear. AI can’t know either of those things. It can’t care – and that’s why it will always sound “off”.

When we work together, you have my easily-given promise that no AI will ever touch copy that I send to you. I’ll happily ask AI for new ideas on how to spice up my meal plans – but when it comes to your copy, that’s hands-off.

After more than 15 years of writing copy professionally, I can tell you with confidence that effective copy, communication and conversion only happens when there’s a personal connection with what makes your business special and what the client truly needs to hear. AI can’t know either of those things. It can’t care - and that’s why it will always sound “off”.

When we work together, you have my easily-given promise that no AI will ever touch copy that I send to you. I’ll happily ask AI for new ideas on how to spice up my meal plans - but when it comes to your copy, that’s hands-off.

All At A Price Lower Than You’d Expect

My mission is to help small service providers build (or rebuild) their client base in the midst of an uncertain economy and a post-pandemic world.

Individual service providers do worthy work, but often have less money to invest in website upgrades and client acquisition strategies – the very things that would help them grow and thrive.

That’s why I offer these services at a fraction of the rate I charge for my direct response copywriting clients, who have larger businesses with higher margins. This is my way of contributing to a better economic future for those service providers who bring so much into the world.

Additionally, I enjoy this work immensely. Low rates combined with dependable service make what I do easy for my clients to refer, so I don’t have to spend time marketing and have more time doing work I love. 🙂

My mission is to help small service providers build (or rebuild) their client base in the midst of an uncertain economy and a post-pandemic world. Individual service providers do worthy work, but often have less money to invest in website upgrades and client acquisition strategies - the very things that would help them grow and thrive.

That’s why I offer these services at a fraction of the rate I charge for my direct response copywriting clients, who have larger businesses with higher margins. This is my way of contributing to a better economic future for those service providers who bring so much into the world.

Additionally, I enjoy this work immensely. Low rates combined with dependable service make what I do easy for my clients to refer, so I don’t have to spend time marketing and have more time doing work I love.

How To Begin Working Together

First, learn more about what I can do for you in more detail. Then get in touch with any questions about what would be best for your business right now, or if you would like to get started with a specific service.

I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for the work you do. It matters.

All my best,

First, learn more about what I can do for you here. Then get in touch with any questions about what would be best for your business right now, or if you would like to get started with a specific service.

I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you for the work you do. It matters.

All my best,